Little Willie John (eigentlich William Edgar John; * 15. November 1937 in Cullendale, Arkansas; † 26. Mai 1968 in Walla Walla, Washington), war ein Rhythm & Blues-Sänger, der vor allem in den 1950er Jahren populär war und das Original vom vielgecoverten Klassiker Fever herausbrachte. Detaisl siehe:
"Fever" was written by Eddie Cooley and John Davenport and originally recorded by Little Willie John in 1956. This recording became a #1 hit on the R&B charts and peaked at #24 on the pop charts during the summer of '56. A few years later the song was famously covered by Peggy Lee who added a few lyrics she wrote herself ("Romeo loved Juliet", "Captain Smith & Pocahontas") and the song went into the Top 10 becoming a signature song for Miss Lee.
78 (King Records) 1956.